Protect your Brand, logo or Tagline

trademark registration in salem

Who may apply Trademark for Registration in India? Trademark enlistments are broadly used to safeguard brand or trademarks or begat words that are exceptional to an individual or element. Trademark registration can in this manner be gotten by people or organizations or not-for-benefit partnerships. Nonetheless, every one of the different class of people or substance […]

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Powers and functions of the Trademark Registrar Brand name implies an imprint that is fit for being addressed graphically and which can be recognized from the labor and products of one individual from those of someone else. An imprint can be traditional or offbeat and can incorporate state of products, their bundling and mix of […]

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Trademark litigation in India A business is recognized by its organization name and logo. It is a trademark sign that separates the labor and products of an endeavor from other comparable administrations, tormented in the commercial center. An organization name and logo is additionally perceived and depended by clients, henceforth most organizations apply for trademark […]

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